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Showing posts from September, 2015

Mix it up!

I love to mix up my workouts, this morning I went to my good friends Zumba class and shook my  booty right off!  It was so much fun, and she is such a great Zumba instructor always coming up with new workouts with the best and catchiest songs. I grew up with her and she married my husbands best friend and now they are business partners so now she is stuck with me. My challenge for you is to try something new! Go to a new class in your area, ride your bike go for a swim. Its so easy to get caught up in the same routine its easy to get board, then you just want to stop all together.  But if you mix it up a little its much better, and it will make you want to do more and you will fall in love with exercising all over again. Do it and you will not regret it.

Just a little rant.

Have any of you ever got into a fight with someone close to you? Well I think everyone has here's a thought and Just a thought and just my thought..  When someone does something to offend you, I personally think it comes down to a number of things, are they having a bad day? Mad at you for something?  Just expressing their feelings in a not so kind way?  Well this has happened to me ALOT numerous times I really don't keep track. Do you know why I don't keep track? First of all I am in control of myself, and only myself.  I feel Like it is in everyones human nature to express their feelings. ANDWE ARE ALL HUMAN. But I can not or I would never want to try to control anyone else or try to change them. Because I know I have my own days when I upset others or say something to offend them. But when it all comes down to it, I can only try to be my best and do my best. And if someone is having a bad day and makes me upset or does something to me that is not nice. Who am

I love to see you succeed!

Getting back into running.

So there's some things to know about starting up running again after a ultra. For me after I ran mine, I didn't even want to talk about running. I wanted to eat what I wanted and rest. But my body was saying lets get going because I was so used to running at least 5 days a week. But my blisters on my feet were not ready to get on the road again. So I just did short workout videos squats lunges Etc. I downloaded a app called six pack promise before the race and I love it! It's a quick less then ten minute excerises that take you through a series of ab workouts. I am a strong believer in strengthening the core that's what holds your whole body together.  Then I think three weeks later I started up running again. I found for me it was important to stay active and do the "active recovery method" I love to run and not being able to run was hard on me. I felt like I recovered pretty well just my blisters and I struggled with a tight IT band on my right leg which led

Staying active as a mother.

My husband got to go to the UofU game. So I took the kids on a night hike. I am a stay at home mom and so I am always trying to find ways to stay active with my kids. I love to hike so in return my kids like to hike. I love to hike anywhere I can but my favorite is in a little canyon right by my house. I am sure many of you have a trail or a park by your house that you can get in that 10 minutes of cardio a day with your kids. When I go to the park With them I always try to find a way to fit in a little workout. Wether it be a few sets of Push ups on the stairs or even playing tag with the kids to get your heart rate up. I love hikes because I love to watch My little man hold his little sisters hand and tell her stories as they hike. Jasper was telling us how Bigfoot probably walked this trail. And how Bigfoot was mean and little foot was nice. Oh that kid cracks me right up. I feel like this is where memories are made right here taking in the small moments with them while t

Bleacher workout with the kids.

My husband had scouts last night so I took the kiddos on a bleachers workout with me.  It was cute to see my little guy go up and down the bleachers. I just feel so lucky to have my family. We have grown so much over the last year and a half. I love my kids. Being a stay at home mom has got to be the hardest thing I have ever done. Some days it tests everything in me especially my patients. But it's also the best thing I have ever done. It's amazing how much little people can teach you. I love to listen, to my kids point of view it's so sweet and innocent. And it gives me hope that there is good in this world. The bleacher workout went a little like this. Warmup round. Ran up and down all the stairs then came back did some stretches. Then did 3 rounds of hop scotch ups. Then did 2 sets of 10 dips. Then skip one down on steps 3 rounds. Ran all the stairs.  Repeat 4 times.  six pack promise workout in the middle of the field.  Then chased the kids back and forth across the fi