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Getting back into running.

So there's some things to know about starting up running again after a ultra. For me after I ran mine, I didn't even want to talk about running. I wanted to eat what I wanted and rest. But my body was saying lets get going because I was so used to running at least 5 days a week. But my blisters on my feet were not ready to get on the road again. So I just did short workout videos squats lunges Etc. I downloaded a app called six pack promise before the race and I love it! It's a quick less then ten minute excerises that take you through a series of ab workouts. I am a strong believer in strengthening the core that's what holds your whole body together.  Then I think three weeks later I started up running again. I found for me it was important to stay active and do the "active recovery method" I love to run and not being able to run was hard on me. I felt like I recovered pretty well just my blisters and I struggled with a tight IT band on my right leg which led to knee problems throughout my training. I think a change of shoes would have been a good idea half way through the race . Maybe next time I'll remember that. I have two small kiddos so it wasn't always easy finding time to train and on top of that I didn't have a treadmill until the last few weeks of training. So I would find ways to train like I would drop my older one off at preschool one of my dearest friends would join me while pushing our kids in strollers on 4 to five mile runs. It's nice to have a running partner. And I would wake up super early to go out on my longer runs. So What I'm trying to say is there is a way to train with kids it's possible! You got this!!! I can't wait to sign up for my next race. 
