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Just a little rant.

Have any of you ever got into a fight with someone close to you?
Well I think everyone has here's a thought and Just a thought and just my thought..
 When someone does something to offend you, I personally think it comes down to a number of things, are they having a bad day?
Mad at you for something?
 Just expressing their feelings in a not so kind way?
 Well this has happened to me ALOT numerous times I really don't keep track. Do you know why I don't keep track?
First of all I am in control of myself, and only myself.
 I feel Like it is in everyones human nature to express their feelings. ANDWE ARE ALL HUMAN.
But I can not or I would never want to try to control anyone else or try to change them.
Because I know I have my own days when I upset others or say something to offend them.
But when it all comes down to it, I can only try to be my best and do my best.
And if someone is having a bad day and makes me upset or does something to me that is not nice. Who am I to try to control their feelings and emotions by trying to change them.
I love people, I love talking to people, meeting new people and figuring out people.
I like emotions I think they are so important without feelings or emotions we would all live pretty dull lives.
 When you are upset the first thing you should do is let that emotion out Or just communicate.
And I understand that communication isn't always easy especially when the other person is upset. Sometimes its best to give it time.  
What I'm trying to get at is this poison in people life's called grudges oh my heck the word even makes me shiver!
 Because holding a grudge or expecting someone else to change so you can be happy; In my opinion is the biggest waste of time and energy.
I think the first step of getting rid of grudge is to first open communication.
                                                     Lets talk about feelings.
 Communication is very important because you can waste so much time holding grudges when really you can just talk and tell the other person what you are feeling and how they make you feel.
  I think the best thing you can ever teach your kids is first be nice to people. You never know what a person is going through. And second FORGIVE! Just as easy as you say "hi" to someone you just met.
Because you control yourself and you don't want grudge thoughts to consume your life!
 Be a better person.
Move on with your life! Life is to short!!!
Here's a great quote I found.
"I used to hold grudges until I realized that most people are narcissistic and their actions are driven by unhealthy self-interest and not by MALICIOUSNESS towards me. I have since freed myself from this needless burden."
-Dr.steve Maraboli  
And my very favorite quote is 
Holding a grudge is like drinking poison ... And waiting for the other person to die. 
It hurts your personal growth more. 
