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Staying active as a mother.

My husband got to go to the UofU game. So I took the kids on a night hike. I am a stay at home mom and so I am always trying to find ways to stay active with my kids. I love to hike so in return my kids like to hike.
I love to hike anywhere I can but my favorite is in a little canyon right by my house. I am sure many of you have a trail or a park by your house that you can get in that 10 minutes of cardio a day with your kids.
When I go to the park With them I always try to find a way to fit in a little workout. Wether it be a few sets of Push ups on the stairs or even playing tag with the kids to get your heart rate up. I love hikes because I love to watch My little man hold his little sisters hand and tell her stories as they hike.
Jasper was telling us how Bigfoot probably walked this trail. And how Bigfoot was mean and little foot was nice. Oh that kid cracks me right up.
I feel like this is where memories are made right here taking in the small moments with them while they are little. I hope they remember hiking with their mom and I hope they make memories with their own kids one day.
Kira wanted me to pack her and then she wanted to hike and go for a run. She knows I love to run in the mountains. We got to hike to a park and they both had so much fun it was hard getting them to go back with me.

Hiking it heals my soul. I love seeing the trees dance in the wind and the sun setting over the mountains. 
