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Do you ever have crazy, blessed days??

Today was that crazy blessed day for us. It all began with some church basketball in the morning lots of fun an a great workout. With my good friend. Then taking my husband to get his wisdom teeth pulled. I dropped him off at 11 and told the front desk ladies to call me when they were done. They said it was going to be an hour hour and a half maybe. Well his top two had grown in with no problems it was is bottom two that were giving him problems and we knew that they needed out fast because of infection. We don't have dental but they gave us some money off if we paid cash. So we went that route 800$ was the deal for all four teeth! I know pricey right! But it had to be done. So we rounded up the cash and I was waiting for the phone call. I finally get it and the lady on the other line sounded hesitant and then told me the bad knews. They had got the two top ones out but not the bottoms and he needed to be rushed to a surgeon. I was confused and stressed. How much more was this going to cost? Is he okay? I arrived and all of the office was acting off they asked if I was the wife and I said yes. I asked if I could see my husband and they said not now that another dentist was trying to pull the other two out. So I waited patiently outside with the kids in the car. Then just decided to bring them in and see if I could talk to the dentist. They bring me back and I could already tell it was bad I look over and see the 2 bloody teeth on the tray and see my husband laying on the bed. The dentist and the assistant look mind boggled they say this never happens to young men just old. They had pieced out one bottom tooth leaving the root they can't get the rest,  The jaw bone has hardened and they don't want to risk breaking the jaw and the nerve.  I ask  how much it will cost. He says 50 dollars to 100 more.  Paul was upset his cheeks swollen from all the pulling. He tells the dentist what's on his mind it is honest. We don't have an extra 109 dollars and he should have got the job done. The dentist sees the worry in our faces and promises he will take care of the rest. I make him promise that we don't have to pay anymore then the 800 dollars he agrees and I take him to the surgeon. The surgeon takes them out with ease and I feel better. We go back to pay the 800. I wait in the car because I don't like conferntaion. Paul gets back in the car and tells me the great knews the dentist only charged us 475. Right away I thank my father in heaven! Blessed day ever! 
